Thursday, October 22, 2009

Graphic Novels by Robert Venditti and Alternate Reality, Narrative and Storytelling

Alternate Reality: Is there a technology that allows people to fulfill that basic human need to be someone other than yourself? What would that world be like?

Telling Stories with pictures is the domain of Graphic Novels;

Titles of important comic books: Surrogates, Author Robert Venditti, Sin City, Watchman, Astro City: The Confessor.

Venditti wrote the comic book series "The Surrogates," a grimmy commentary on our times, a prequel was just released after the success of The Surrogates (Flesh & Bone). Another one is "The Homeland Directive" that is in the works.

Venditti's Borders-to-Hollywood story via comic book company, Top Shelf Productions, should be an inspiration to anyone hoping to break into comics. He worked his way up.

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